Saluki Club of Canada

Our History


Club Executive

President: Roberta Parish
Vice-President : Nancy Kovall
Secretary/Treasurer: Catherine Hays
Past President: Dee Laurie-Beaumont
Quebec Director: Pascale Dufour
Ontario Director: Janice Preiss
Prairies Director: Priscilla McLeod
BC/Yukon Director: Janet Phelps
Rescue Coordinator: Janice Preiss
Club Archivist: Robbie Pattison




Saluki Club of Canada established. A group of Toronto area Saluki fanciers, led by Ruth Kolenoff, meet to form the Saluki Club of Canada.


Monthly club newsletter published. Early editors include Tom Alker and Joan Tuckey. Membership quickly expands beyond southern Ontario to other parts of Canada and abroad.

1963.Club sponsors breed boosters. Spring and fall boosters, held at Toronto area shows, attract sizable Saluki entries, especially at the large benched Sportsmen’s shows in the spring where the SCOC regularly wins the “Best Decorated Specialty Bench” award. Early booster winners include Ch. Kesari Asad Gamyl, Ch. Nor-Jo’s El Sonya and Ch. El Nuri Hilal.


Carole Adley becomes newsletter editor. Her tenure lasts until 1977, with Louise O’Donnell taking over temporarily in 1971 while Carole is living in England. Postage for the newsletter in 1968 is five cents (it is still only six cents well into the seventies).


First SCOC booster outside Toronto area. The large and very active group of Montreal area members organize a Saluki booster at the Hochelaga KC.


Club executive moves west, to Saskatoon. John Ross takes over as President as the club executive leaves southern Ontario for the first time. The first western booster is held, in Calgary. Treasurer’s report for 72-73 (the last before specialties begin to be held) indicates that revenue for the year is $562.86, expenses $302.53. Membership dues are still at their original level of $5. Membership stands at 65.


First SCOC Specialty. The first ever Canadian Saluki specialty is held in Millarville, Alberta on July 15 (see also Specialty timeline). Boosters continue in Ontario and Quebec.


First Specialty in Ontario. The 1974 specialty is held in conjunction with the Sportsmen’s show in Toronto in March and attracts an entry of 60 Salukis (see also Specialty timeline).


Executive back to Ontario. Bob Boxma is president, Isobel Grant secretary. The finances move into the four figure range: revenue $1542.39, expenses $1214.30.


Specialty held in Quebec for the first time (see also Specialty timeline).


Club Code of Ethics proposed. First draft of a club code of ethics is put before the members, prompting much discussion and comment. No agreement is reached.


Executive back to Saskatchewan. From this time forward, the executive alternates between east and west, usually every two years. Leah Harrington is the second western president. Robbie Pattison takes over as newsletter editor.


Pictures and advertising in newsletter. We experiment occasionally with ads, including photos. As the newsletter gets bigger and fancier (and more expensive to produce and mail) it starts to come out less often. Membership dues raised to $10.


Club archivist appointed. Cathie Hays becomes the club’s first archivist.


Newsletter ads and pictures a regular feature. Newsletter editorship begins to rotate with the executive and each new editor puts his or her stamp on it. The newsletter officially becomes a quarterly.


East meets west specialty. Members from across the country agree to collaborate on a single “national” show in Winnipeg . The familiar Don Wieden line drawing of the running Saluki, already in use for some time in Ontario as an unofficial club logo, appears on the cover of the specialty catalogue and soon becomes the official logo, although the finishing touch—the red maple leaf—is not added until several years later, by Patty Milton.


Dues raised to $15. Even with the increase, the SCOC maintains its position as one of the best breed club bargains around.


Executive to BC for the first time. Ngaire Coe takes over as President, Karen Doyle as newsletter editor.


Donation to Companion Animal Health fund. The club makes its first donation to the CAHF at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. Eventually this evolves into annual donations to the pet trusts of each of Canada’s veterinary colleges.


Rescue Fund established. Hope Waters puts forward the idea of a rescue fund and it is unanimously endorsed. The first annual photo contest is held, with results published in the newsletter.


Club’s 30th Anniversary celebration. The club celebrates with specialties east and west and a special anniversary issue of the newsletter. A beautiful commemorative poster is published. In recognition of the increased cost of printing and mailing the newsletter, dues go up again.


Club enters the computer age. Copy is prepared in Saskatoon, put on a disc, and sent to Patty Milton in Toronto, where she puts it together with the ads. A hard copy version is sent back to Saskatoon, where it is printed, compiled and mailed.


First AGM conference call. To allow members from all parts of the country to participate, president Leah Harrington sets up the first conference call AGM. We still hold our AGMs this way.


Code of Ethics addressed again. This time round a Code is finally agreed upon. And this year the newsletter gets a name—SalukiSightings.


Club website unveiled. The club goes online with its first website, Shelley Work as webmaster. Also this year, the concept of a National Specialty is put forward by Carole Adley.


SalukiSightings in colour. The first issue with a colour cover is published, and dedicated to the memory of Ngaire Coe who had passed away in December of 1999. One of her stunning photographs adorns the cover. Soon colour becomes a regular part of the newsletter, with colour covers and colour ads in abundance.


SCOC members list online. The new list quickly becomes a popular means of communication between members.


First National Specialty. The first officially designated National is held in Calgary (see also Specialty timeline).


Leah Harrington’s passing, From 1999 to 2003, the club loses many important members—Ngaire Coe, Helen Taylor-Bradley, Agnes Bowden and then, suddenly as the result of a car accident, Leah. President of the club on several occasions, she had been responsible for instituting many policies which are still in effect today.


SCOC lure trials begin. The club successfully puts on sanctioned lure trials to enable it to hold official lure events as well as shows.


SCOC Board list online. For the first time, club business can be conducted online via the Board list. Board meeting reports are published in the newsletter.


Fight against BSL legislation. The club gives financial support to groups battling Ontario’s breed specific bill.


Three annual specialties. The club goes to three specialties per year—National, eastern/western regional, Pacific—on a trial basis.


Winnipeg designated site of 2012 50th Anniversary National. The Board decides to hold just one 2012 specialty, to centre attention on the big anniversary National.


The club loses the services of long time Secretary/Treasurer Sandra Gahan who has guided the club for many years on secretarial matters and has kept meticulous treasury records. Sandra resigned her position but is heading up the show committee for the 2015 National Specialty. A new Executive takes the reins ushering in a group of people new to Board.

 Club History

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